Questions to Ask Before You Sign!

Questions to Ask Before You Sign!

Surprises in a new opportunity are never a good thing. Of course, you want to know why they are hiring, how many physicians have left in the past 10 years and if you’re to take over from a retiring physician has that been formalized in writing.

Physicians who have been in practice tend to focus more on issues beyond income guarantee and more on operational aspects such as overhead, support personnel, referral patterns, how patients are assigned, and local medical politics.

If there are retirements in the future you’ll want to know what their exit policy is. Does the group have to “buy-out” a retiring colleague or just pay him their AR? Do they have what a retiring physician is entitled to codified in their partnership agreement? Many groups have run into issues because it was “understood” based on a discussions in years gone by or has never really been discussed at all!

Having a handle on what is expected from you outside of standard hours whether it’s self-marketing, business meetings, or paperwork is all part of the package.
To see all of our “Questions to Ask Before You Sign”, go to our Candidates page.

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